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Double Rollover Jackpot Offered on Lotto Tonight

Last Updated: Wednesday 21st January 2015, 10:04

Lotto fans have until 7.30pm tonight to grab their entries for this evening’s draw, which offers a double rollover jackpot worth an estimated £8.7 million. The top prize has evaded players since Saturday 10th January, when a single ticket holder snapped up a tidy £4.8 million. Tonight’s game also offers 50 tempting Lotto Raffle prizes worth £20,000 each.

Winning £8.7 million could see you transported away from the snow and gloom to a somewhat warmer location by the end of the week. Tenerife might be a bit cloudy all week, but with temperatures staying between 17°C and 20°C for the next few days, it’s definitely tempting!

If you’re more of a homebody, you could use some of that new money to kit out a new car for winter. Special tyres, heated seats, even a Handpresso portable coffee maker complete with pods - all this could be yours for just a drop in the bucket that would be your new winnings. You’d never have to feel cold and miserable while waiting for that new luxury sports cars to warm up!

The three Lotto jackpot winners who have scooped their prizes this month have picked up a combined total of £13 million. If you’d like to add to that amount while padding out your bank balance, you’ll need to buy Lotto tickets for tonight’s draw either online or in person from authorised retailers. Good luck, have fun and stay warm!

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