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Little cash makes a Lotto difference

Last Updated: Thursday 24th September 2020, 16:00

We’re always bringing you news on these pages about how big lottery grants have made the difference to stately homes, charity projects and other things but it’s not just large lottery grants that are given out. Often overlooked are the smaller grants, worth just a few thousand that make a lotto difference to the communities that receive them like the small grant recently given to an afterschool project in Colchester that teaches children cookery skills.

Worth just a few thousand pounds of lottery cash, the programme run by Colchester County High school for girls uses new kitchen equipment bought with a Lottery grant for good causes. The programme is an after school club and teaches children vital cookery skills and parents too if they wish to join in.

As well as cooking tasty dishes and learning about food, the children and parents also learn about hygiene in the kitchen and healthy eating. Primary school children have already learned how to cook some basics such as boiling an egg and setting up a frying pan and having fun with their parents at the same time.

It’s just one small way that the National Lottery is helping causes across the UK and not necessarily with millions of pounds either. The National Lottery good causes fund know that it doesn’t always take a huge amount of cash to make a huge amount  of difference to the lives of people and communities around the UK. There are many small lottery projects like this one, running all over the UK and it’s not always known that lottery funding enabled them, take a look at what is on in your community now.

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