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Lotto Jackpot Climbs to £5.9 Million for Saturday 11th April

Last Updated: Thursday 22nd November 2018, 12:59

Saturday’s Lotto jackpot stands at a hugely enticing £5.9 million following a rollover on Wednesday. It was only the second draw since 21st February in which the top prize has not been claimed, and ticket holders will now be keeping their fingers crossed for a life-changing amount of cash tomorrow night.

Denise and Robert Scarr of Morecambe in Lancashire enjoyed the winning feeling last weekend as they scooped £6.3 million on the most recent rollover jackpot. The Scarrs have since quit their jobs and are looking forward to enjoying their money, with a world cruise first on the agenda. They are also keen to treat their family, which includes seven children and 15 grandchildren, so it sure to be an incredibly busy time!

There have only been two rollovers out of the past 12 draws, so there really has been a winning streak, and you can find a full breakdown of the prizes for the recent draws in the Lotto Results section.

If you fancy following in the footsteps of the Scarr family or any of the other recent Lotto winners, then why not enter tomorrow’s draw. Tickets can be bought online or from any authorised retailer, and the winning numbers can be found at after the game is concluded. Would you do something similar to the Scarrs and sail off to some exotic location, or are there other dreams you wish to fulfil? Join the fun and best of luck!



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