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Lotto Jackpot Must Be Won After Passing £22 Million Cap

Last Updated: Tuesday 26th December 2017, 11:06

At least one lucky lotto player is guaranteed to receive a late Christmas present on Wednesday night after the jackpot surged past its £22 million cap in the previous draw on Saturday. The top prize now has to be won, even if nobody manages to match all six main numbers.

Saturday’s Lotto Results

It had been anticipated that the jackpot for the game on Saturday 23rd December would fall just short of £22 million, but a flurry of interest propelled the figure ever higher as players dreamed of a massive festive payout.

The numbers drawn were 20, 32, 36, 44, 47 and 56, with Bonus Ball 41. Although nobody won the jackpot, two ticket holders matched five main numbers plus the Bonus Ball to win £53,861 each, while over 1.5 million other prizes were given away.

A special Lotto Raffle was also held on Saturday night, giving away 220 prizes worth £20,000 rather than the usual 20. There was also one code worth £1 million. Visit the Lotto Results page to find a list of all the winning codes, plus a full prize breakdown from Lotto.

Lotto Jackpot Cap

As nobody won the Lotto jackpot on Saturday and the final amount was worth more than £22 million, rules state that the top prize must now be won in the next draw. All the money must therefore be given away, even if nobody matches all six main numbers drawn.

This dramatically increases your chances of winning a share of the jackpot, which will stand at £23.5 million for Wednesday night, as the money will be shared between players in the next highest tier if there are no ‘match six’ winners.

The last time the jackpot had to be won was on Wednesday 18th October, when nobody matched all six main numbers and five ticket holders split £25 million just by matching five main numbers plus the Bonus Ball.

Take Part

You have to participate to have any chance of winning, of course, and you can get take part online now or pop along to any authorised retailer. Good luck!

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