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Luckiest Lottery Towns

Last Updated: Thursday 7th July 2011, 15:50

Lottery players looking to increase their chances of a big prize might find that moving house increases their chances as the UK National Lottery release a list of the luckiest lottery towns in the UK. Ilford in Essex come out on top and the list shows that certain places in the UK certainly have a lotto luck.

Around the UK, based on the National average of winners per ticketholder you have a one in 7,366 chance of winning a big prize on the UK Lotto. Last year is was one in 8,642 so from anywhere in the UK you are already more likely to win.

Players in Ilford however have a one in 6,722 chance of being a big lottery prize winner as the IG postcode come out on top of the UK Lotto’s luckiest lottery towns.

In second place in the research is Newcastle, they’ve had one winner for every 6,884 tickets. This amount has no doubt been pushed up by several high profile syndicates from the area.

Last year Medway was the UK’s luckiest lottery town, this year it’s down to third place with a lottery winner for every 6,972 tickets sold. Medway is consistent though, it’s the fifth time the town has found itself in the list of top ten lucky lottery towns and might be a good place to buy lotto tickets if you’re ever passing through.

Really of course it doesn’t matter where you live, there has been an average of twenty millionaires created in each postcode in the UK since the launch of the National Lottery in 1994 equating to £36 billion in prizes. Lottery luck has touched every part of the UK and that’s what keeps us hoping and buying lottery tickets.

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