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Lucky Ticket Holder Wins £12.7 Million Lotto Jackpot

Last Updated: Monday 24th July 2017, 09:32

A Lotto jackpot of £12.7 million was put up for grabs in Saturday’s draw, and one lucky player matched all six main numbers to pocket the lot. It was a memorable night for many ticket holders as over 1.3 million prizes were given away, setting up big winners for a fabulous summer.

The winning numbers were 5, 13, 21, 35, 41 and 47 with Bonus Ball 23. As well as the jackpot winner, four participants matched five main numbers plus the Bonus Ball to bank £19,611 each, while the remaining prizes spanned between a free Lotto Lucky Dip for matching two main numbers and £611 for matching five main numbers.

Every Lotto draw guarantees that one ticket holder will win £1 million as part of the Lotto Millionaire Raffle, and Saturday’s winning code was BLUE 3619 9606. Visit the Lotto Results for a list of the other 20 winning Raffle codes, worth £20,000 each, plus a full prize breakdown from the Lotto draw.

The Lotto jackpot had been building for four draws in a row prior to Saturday night, having not been won since a single player landed £6.9 million on Wednesday 5th July. The last time a larger prize was won was on Saturday 24th June, when one ticket holder bagged £21.3 million.

The latest winner now has 180 days to come forward and claim their eight-figure fortune, and can decide to stay anonymous or go public with the news. They can also start to think about how they might want to use the money, whether it is paying off their mortgage, buying houses for family members or supporting charitable projects.

If you have big plans for how you could spend a Lotto jackpot, there will be an estimated £1.9 million on offer in Wednesday night’s draw. You can get involved now by either picking your numbers online or going to any authorised retailer. Best of luck!

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