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UK EuroMillions Winners Announced as Young Couple

Last Updated: Friday 30th March 2012, 15:59

The UK EuroMillions winners have been announced as young couple Cassey Carrington and Matt Topham from Stapleford. In a press conference that took place earlier today in South Normanton the couple came forward to collect their EuroMillions jackpot win that was worth an impressive £45,160,170.50. They matched the five plus two number combination drawn in Tuesday night’s EuroMillions draw from one ticket bought online by Cassey, a supermarket supervisor as she was feeling lucky.

The couple who are both 22 are getting married in September, so this jackpot win will definitely go towards the big day as Cassey was planning to make all the table decorations herself to save money. Cassey got a bonus at work last week so as she was feeling lucky bought one ticket online for last Friday’s EuroMillions and also a ticket for last Saturday’s UK Lotto but didn’t win anything. Then she bought a EuroMillions ticket for Tuesday’s draw which actually turned out to be the winning ticket.

This young couple couldn’t believe that they had won at first and actually matched all seven of the numbers drawn. They had to keep checking online that they had won and rang a friend to ask him what the numbers were to see if they had in fact won the top prize.

In addition to the couple getting married they plan to support both of their families in buying new houses and even help their friends get on the property ladder. Cassey has always wanted an Aston Martin so that’s on the list and Matt wants to take up lessons to hopefully become a pilot.

If all this talk of winning has got you wanting to join this couple on the UK EuroMillions winners list, then make sure you have your tickets ready for Friday’s draw as the jackpot available to win is estimated at £12 million. You never know, you might just match the EuroMillions results and become the next top prize winners in this pan-European lottery!

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