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Two UK Lotto Jackpot Prizes Claimed This Week

Last Updated: Thursday 5th December 2013, 13:19

It’s been a busy few days for UK Lotto prize headquarters as two jackpot prizes have been claimed so far this week! The winner from Bradford who scooped the £10 million prize on Saturday 5th October 2013 and one of the three £2 million jackpot prizes from last Saturday’s draw have now made themselves known to lottery officials and can start looking forward to life as the latest Lotto millionaires.

The Bradford winner came forward on Monday after an intense media campaign was launched to track down the ticket holder. The campaign took several forms, including local and national press coverage and a mobile promotional van which drove around the city centre advertising the unclaimed prize and the winning numbers.

The Bradford winner’s identity remains shrouded in secrecy until they decide whether or not to go public and so it is not known whether the winner came forward as a direct result of the publicity campaign.

The second jackpot winners came forward yesterday. The couple, who are grandparents from Chester-le-Street in County Durham, have not yet been named after a press conference due to be given yesterday morning was postponed at the last minute. The couple shared the £6.2 million jackpot from the draw on Saturday 19th October 2013 with two other winners.

Congratulations to these winners from us all at Meanwhile, the two remaining jackpot winners from Saturday’s draw are yet to come forward so players are advised to check their weekend lottery tickets to see if they have struck it lucky! Those winning numbers were 3, 12, 19, 21, 29 and 31, with a Bonus Ball of 15.

Saturday’s jackpot win means that tonight’s UK Lotto draw has an estimated jackpot of £2.5 million. Tickets can be purchased until 19.30 tonight either from your local retailer or online by visiting the Lottery Tickets page. Good luck!

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