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UK Lotto Jackpot Rolls to £6.6 Million

Last Updated: Tuesday 1st May 2012, 16:08

On Wednesday night players in the UK Lotto failed to match the six numbers drawn to win the jackpot, meaning that the top prize in this game rolled over to the next draw. This now means that the UK Lotto jackpot available to win tomorrow night is estimated at £6.6 million – the highest it has been since the end of February 2012. This is due to the fact that a winning streak had developed in the UK Lotto as the jackpot had been won for four consecutive draws in a row.

Since the start of this year there have been 21 UK Lotto draws, and in 17 of those draws the UK Lotto jackpot has been won. This means that there has only been four times a rollover has occurred in the UK Lotto, so it could be said that players in this game definitely have luck on their side so far this year.

Whether this luck will carry on remains to be seen, however it is interesting to see that since this year began only two of the UK Lotto draw machines have been used in the draws, these being Merlin and Lancelot. Merlin has accounted for nine of the jackpot wins but also three of the draws whether there was no match six winner and the top prize rolled over. Lancelot on the other hand was the draw machine for just one of the draws where there was no jackpot winner and also was used when the UK Lotto jackpot was won eight times.

Taking this into account, the question is which draw machine will be picked for tomorrow night’s game to draw the UK Lotto results? Well it be Merlin or Lancelot or will be one of the other remaining 11 machines?

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