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Lotto Player Lands £6.9 Million Jackpot

Last Updated: Thursday 6th July 2017, 09:16

A lucky ticket holder became the latest Lotto jackpot winner last night after matching all six main numbers to snap up £6.9 million. The top prize had been building nicely after a couple of rollovers, leading to a surge of excitement as players went in search of a life-changing amount of money.

One participant successfully matched the numbers 16, 18, 25, 27, 29 and 57 to scoop the seven-figure sum, while a total of 786,364 other players won prizes. The Bonus Ball was 4 and three ticket holders matched five main numbers plus the Bonus Ball to bag £15,221 each. The remaining prizes ranged between a free Lotto Lucky Dip for matching two main numbers and £1,232 for matching five main numbers.

One player is also guaranteed to receive £1 million in every draw thanks to the Lotto Millionaire Raffle, and Wednesday’s winning code was PINK 2896 1706. Check out the Lotto Results section for details of the other 20 Lotto Raffle codes, worth £20,000 each, plus a full prize breakdown from the Lotto draw.

All last night’s winners have 180 days to come forward and claim their prizes, and there will be keen interest to see whether the lucky player who landed the jackpot shares their story or decides to keep their identity private. The participant who won last Friday’s colossal EuroMillions jackpot of £87.5 million has already anonymously claimed their money.

The Lotto jackpot for Saturday’s draw will stand at an estimated £3.3 million, and it could just be that the top prize gets won twice in a row. You can give yourself a chance by picking numbers online or visiting any authorised retailer. Best of luck!

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