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EuroMillions Triple Rollover Jackpot

Last Updated: Thursday 7th July 2011, 16:46

A massive EuroMillions triple rollover jackpot in the region of £52,000,000 will be available to any National Lottery player who matches five main numbers and both Lucky Stars this Friday 17 April, 2009. This is the second EuroMillions triple rollover jackpot of the year and players will no doubt be hoping that it results in a life-changing payout for a single winner, as the last one did.

A regular EuroMillions jackpot is more than enough to set someone up for a lifetime of wealth, so what a single winner of a sum like £52 million would do with the money is something of a conundrum. Even if the winner were to put the entire sum in a deposit account paying just 1% interest they would generate an income of £43,333 per month – that’s more than £1,400 per day for doing absolutely nothing!

Even if a single winner decided to spend £22 million on several new homes, fast cars, a shopping spree at Tiffany & Co and a wardrobe full of designer clothes, the remaining £30 million would still earn £821 per day at 1% interest. And when interest rates get back to their pre-credit-crunch levels of 5% or so, that daily income would swell to over £4,000 per day.

Now we don’t know about you, but we think all of this makes buying a EuroMillions ticket for this Friday’s draw an absolute no-brainer. There aren’t many other ways of becoming so incredibly rich so quickly without any investment of effort, so if you fancy your chances of changing your life forever this Friday, be sure to buy lottery tickets online today.

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