Unclaimed Lottery Prizes
Look through a list of the current National Lottery unclaimed prizes from the past 180 days. You can see details for each unclaimed prize, including the draw date, prize value, the winning numbers, the area where the lottery ticket was purchased and the final date to claim. The prizes that expire soonest are shown first.
If you think you have a winning ticket, you should contact the National Lottery before the final date to claim. Find out more about how to claim a lottery prize.
Unclaimed lottery prizes last updated: 31/12/2024.
- 2
- 11
- 29
- 37
- 45
- 6
Every Month for 30 Years
- 1
- 8
- 19
- 37
- 50
- 6
- 9
- 4
- 13
- 20
- 28
- 49
- 7
- 12
- 14
- 25
- 39
- 44
- 47
- 6
- 10
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- 12
- 14
- 26
- 35
- 42
- 18
- 1
- 11
- 12
- 17
- 19
- 54
- 3
- 1
- 11
- 12
- 17
- 19
- 54
- 3
- 19
- 24
- 26
- 28
- 33
- 8
- 12
All National Lottery tickets remain valid for 180 days. You can still claim a prize in person within seven days after this period has ended, but only if you have already contacted the National Lottery before the 180-day deadline has passed to notify them of your intentions. You must still provide your winning ticket, proof of ID and a completed claim form.
The National Lottery donates all unclaimed prizes to the Good Causes Fund if they still have not been paid out at the end of the claim period. You will therefore miss out on any prizes you would have been due if you fail to produce an unclaimed lottery ticket within 180 days of the winning draw. It will be too late to stake a claim beyond this point and there are no exceptions.
The interest that accrues on unclaimed prizes is also used to support worthy projects, after first being used to fund various fees. Go to the Lottery Funding page for more information about how this works and the good causes that benefit from the National Lottery.
If you think you may have had a winning ticket but it has gone missing, visit the Lost Lottery Tickets page to find out how you may still be able to claim.
Scratchcard Prizes
Scratchcard prizes remain valid for 180 days after a game has closed. Go to the National Lottery Scratchcard Prizes page to see a list of expiring prizes, plus a list of the prizes that are remaining for the games that are currently on sale.