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Forgot your Lottery Tickets?

Last Updated: Thursday 7th July 2011, 16:45

National Lottery Did you forget your lottery tickets this week? You’re not alone as a study carried out by the National Lottery shows that the average adult in the UK forgets around three things every single day and in the top twenty-five things that the average adult will forget today is to buy lottery tickets for the next draw, a move that may cost them dearly.

How many times have you come across a cup of tea to find you have left it go cold? Fifteen million of us will do that today at least once and the same amount will forget where they have put their keys. The news that twelve million people will go to the shops today and forget what we went for will surely be music to the ears of us who fear early dementia as it happens to us.

PIN numbers, Passwords, taking dinner out of the freezer and charging our mobile phones are also easily forgotten in this fast paced world we live in and more than one in ten of us will forget to buy our lottery tickets this week – a move which may cost us a big win!

Perhaps unsurprisingly to all the long suffering wives out there, men are more likely to forget things than women – even though women generally have more things each day to remember.

Here are the top twenty-five things that people around the UK will forget to do today, take a look through and see how many you can relate to.

  • Let a hot cuppa go cold
  • Where you put your keys
  • What you went to the shop for
  • Wet washing in the machine
  • Taking dinner out of the freezer
  • Charging your mobile
  • Not swearing in front of the kids
  • Replacing the loo roll
  • Where you parked the car
  • The birthdays of our friends children
  • Watering the plants
  • Your age
  • Friends birthday
  • Recording your favourite television programme
  • Toast under the grill
  • Write a thank you letter
  • Names of our friends children
  • Buying milk
  • Locking the car
  • Where you put your purse/wallet
  • Food in the oven
  • Buying lottery tickets
  • Putting the toilet seat down
  • Taking the washing in
  • Turning off the tap

Now we can’t help with birthdays and we don’t know where the car keys are unfortunately but one thing we can help with is ensuring you never miss another lottery draw. Click here and buy your lottery tickets online and you can play for up to eight weeks at a time, not just that but when your tickets are due to be purchased the National Lottery will send you an email reminder.

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